Indian Head Massage

Andover 07990656143



 Indian Head Massage Andover

The Indian Head Massage – Its origins stem from an Indian remedial and grooming practice which had been and continues to be part of the Indian daily ritual for over 4,000 years.  The ancient Indians believed that when energy channels become blocked and the flow of positive energy is obstructed, negative energy builds up and increasingly leads to a wide array of ailments and dysfunctions such as stress, depression, poor sleeping habits, localized and remote pains and aches, hampered and sluggish blood circulation, overall poor health, as well as loss of hair or baldness.

The main focus and intent of the Indian Head massage, therefore, is to open up the blockages and to allow the positive energy to flow freely through the entire body and in the process to get rid of the amassed negative energy.

The body has seven chakras which are centres that regulate the flow of energy all through the body. Indian Head Massage works on the top three energy centres or chakras which are found on the crown of the head, the forehead and the throat as it aims to bring the entire body into corrected alignment and proper balance.  The resulting effects are strong, silky and shiny hair, relief from stress, restful sleep patterns, increased energy and sharpened mental clarity.



” A monthly indian head massage has cured migraines where 15 years of conventional medicine failed. ”   N.H Berkshire.



Indian Head Massage


Bourne Valley Beauty

Andover 07990 656143

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